Büyükelçinin Mesajı

Dear Turkish citizens, Jordanian brothers and sisters, friends of Türkiye residing in Jordan,

I am honoured to assume my duties in Jordan, a friendly country which we cherish historical and deep cultural bonds. Throughout my term, we will continue our efforts to further develop bilateral relations on the basis of sovereign equality, mutual respect and common interests.

Türkiye and Jordan share common regional interests and face common challenges. We are determined to strengthen interaction and existing ties between our countries and peoples through prioritising cooperation and coordination.

We will intensify our existing dialogue and efforts with Jordan in various areas ranging from trade to culture and education, from finding peaceful solutions to the crises in our region and strengthening regional security and stability.

Türkiye strongly supports the Hashemite Custodianship over the Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem.

We gratefully follow positive reflections of the deep historical and cultural bonds between the two people on a variety of areas, particularly in the fields of economy, education and tourism. Bilateral trade volume has surpassed 1 billion USD level. Every year hundreds of thousands of Jordanians visit Türkiye. For years, our Jordanian brothers and sisters have been among the top ranks in terms of foreign students receiving education in Türkiye. We are conducting our activities with the aim of further nourishing the interest and affection of our Jordanian friends towards Türkiye.

Turkish Embassy in Amman works with effective and strong partners. Turkish institutions and companies in Jordan, such as Yunus Emre Institute, Turkish Airlines, Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency and Türkiye Maarif Foundation make distinctive contributions to strengthening the bonds between our peoples. After all, we are pleased to observe the increasing level of interaction between our peoples, which constitute the basis of the friendship between the two countries. Our activities will aim to empower this friendship.

You can follow Embassy’s activities on our social media accounts (https://twitter.com/TurkEmbAmman,https://www.facebook.com/TurkEmbAmman) and convey your requests, especially on consular services to our e-mail address (embassy.amman@mfa.gov.tr). Rest assured that the doors of our Embassy will always remain open for you.

Taking this opportunity, on behalf of my colleagues and my own, I would like to extend my best regards.

Erdem Ozan



Sunday - Thursday

09:00 - 16:00

For consular issues; working hours: 10:00-13:00
5/25/2022 5/25/2022 Jordan National Day
7/15/2022 7/15/2022
10/29/2022 10/29/2022